2012: Year of the Reader

2012 is nearly done and so it’s time to look back and reflect on what kind of year I had professionally. There were ups and downs and even a couple of lateral movements, but for the most part I’d call it a very successful year for me as an author. And who added to that success? My readers of course. I met quite a few new ones online and even a couple in person. I found new ways to interact with readers and put myself out there a little more. I thoroughly enjoyed it all and consider 2012 the Year of the Reader.

So, to celebrate and thank my fabulous readers for all I accomplished in 2012 (because without you what was the point?) I’m going to give away a tote bag of goodies.

All you have to do to enter is tell me which of my books you’ve enjoyed the most and why. Now, no cheating. Don’t go reading a review and taking from someone else’s opinion. It doesn’t have to be explicit detail, just enough so I know what scene or chapter in which book you’re talking about. Then add your email addy to your comment and you’re entered.

To sum up, I sold over 945 ebooks and at least 33 print books (not all the year’s numbers are in yet) in 2012. I attended one writer’s conference and one reader’s conference. I had three new releases and finished writing nine books. Overall a very successful year. However, I do hope to make 2013 even better. I already have one release planned with more certainly in the works.

So THANK YOU readers!! I appreciate each and every one of you. Take your time considering your comment below. I won’t draw a winner until January 6, 2013.

5 thoughts on “2012: Year of the Reader

  1. Shamefully I've only read one so far, Day Shift but I liked it very much – well I was put out by one character but if Zara was able to forgive him then I had to too. lol

    I can also say I was lucky enough to meet you in person after all of our chatter on twitter back and forth even if it was without brownie πŸ™‚

    I'll try They Call me Death and compare the two stories to see which I like best – vamps or shifters.

    Here is to a new year and many new books for me to read that were written from you Missy Jane.

    txhighlife – twitter


  2. So far I have only read “They Call me Death”…but “Day Shift” is on my to be read list. I am so happy you came and participated in my book club (Creatures of the Nyght), it is always more fun to get the authors real perspective then sitting around trying to guess what the author was feeling or what not. I need to read some of your erotic and not my book club has expanded and a few of us will stick around to discuss a creature type erotic tale…so if you do any of those let me know and we as a group will read it! We call ourselves Creatures After Dark. πŸ™‚


  3. Thanks! I had a blast at the book club meeting and would be honored to go again. I do have erotic paranormals in the works but nothing finished quite yet. Another goal for this year. πŸ˜‰


  4. Thank you, ladies, so much for leaving your comments. And thank you everyone for stopping by to read the post. Since I only have two comments here I'm going to award both of you prizes! Connie, you get the tote bag full of goodies. Nicole I've got more goodies and a couple of paperback books for you. CONGRATS!!


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